Knight of Knights
The Peoria Chapter of the Knights of Columbus is comprised of all the councils within the Peoria Diocese. Their purpose is primarily to promote the principles of our order in various ways. One method used is the recognition of individual knights once a year.
These men are nominated by their Council and are selected by a committee comprised of Brother Knights throughout the Peoria Diocese The committee evaluates numerous nominations submitted by councils within the Diocese and selects individuals based on their service to their local Council, Church, Family and Community. The many hours of time, hard work and devotion they have given to their Order, Family, Church and Community does not go unnoticed through this event.
This Council has been fortunate to have had twenty-five members so recognized. We are happy to present them here so that their accomplishments will continue to be recognized. Space does not permit a listing of all that these men have done; but, each has contributed significantly in many different areas.
The names with an asterisk after the date are deceased.